Scenes from the National Collectors Convention

Scenes from the National Collectors Convention

Harry Kalas Saved My Life!

Welcome to HKSML! The Official site for Craig Daliessio,
Author of "Harry Kalas Saved My Life"

"Everything is possible...with High Hopes!"

New Promo Video for HKSML:
Click this link----

Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Measure of a Man



Sunday, October 24, 2010

New website...New BOOK!!

My new book is finished and will be available for shipping in 3 weeks. Taking orders NOW!
"A Ragamuffin Christmas"  It's a very very different view of Christmas.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

On to the World Series

YES!!! My Phillies clinched the division Monday night behind a masterful 2 hit performance and we are en route to our 4th playoffs in as many years. With the best 1-2-3 staff in baseball right now (and arguably one of the best of all time...reminiscent of the early 70's Orioles and A's) we are the prohibitive favorites to win it all.
This team faced adversity all year with injuries hitting us from day one...literally with Jimmy Rollins and Joe Blanton on the shelf and the entire team being bitten by the bug at one point or another. But Charlie Manuel was masterful in his game management skills and he hung in there. Ruben Amaro Jr. pulled the trigger on the perfect deal getting us Roy Oswalt and our guys got healthy at the right time.
This will be another bittersweet playoff run without our dear friend Harry to narrate the action, but he is watching and rooting and I do believe we'll be singing High Hopes come November.
To a Philly boy mired in Nashville...that's the sound of heaven itself!
Go Fightins!!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

You Never Know Who is Watching

People have asked me frequently what my book is about. Most people assume that it's a book about Harry know, a biography. Actually that is exactly what it is not. The title comes from chapter two where I relate the story of the Phillies winning the 2008 World Series and how that affected my life. People asked me what is my "elevator pitch"? That is the thing you would say to someone that completely relates the entire message of the book in about 1 minute. I tell them it's "Chicken Soup for the Soul" meets "Invincible". It's a story of a guy who hit hard times, chose the hardest road in order to do the right thing, and what he learned along the way. That was me...I lost my career, my home, my whole life and wound up living in my car for six months in order to remain in my daughter's life.
The real lesson that weaves it's way through almost every page is "You never know who is watching and who you will live your life well." Do what you do with enthusiasm and with your whole heart because you don't know how it is effecting someone you might never meet. Harry Kalas didn't go to the broadcast booth the afternoon of October 29, 2008 thinking: "I need to really be on my game tonight because there is some poor guy in Nashville who is living in his car and he will hear me tonight and be changed forever". Harry had no way of knowing that. He just did it like he'd always done it, but that was so special, so marvelous, that it freed me from the two year run of failure that I'd been experiencing and made me have some hope again.
When I met R.J. last weekend I didn't go to Baltimore knowing he'd be there. And in a place as cavernous as the Baltimore Civic Center it was a long shot that he'd ever have found my booth in the first place. But he did, and we spent those 30 minutes or so, remembering, relishing and connecting and we have each made a friend for life. Because you never know...
I think back over the course of my life to people who had great effect on me without ever knowing it...many without ever having met me. Men like Brian Piccolo, the NFL running back whose life was tragically cut short by cancer. I saw "Brian's Song" as a boy and at age twelve received a copy of his biography and decided right then, at that tender age, that this was a remarkable man and I wanted to try to be like him and live as he lived. Or Harold Alexander, whose children I grew up with and who was an unassuming, no limelight businessman but who set the example of a dad that I still try to emulate. Or Russ Staats my favorite baseball coach, or My college hockey coach, Gary Habermas, who exhibited grace and strength in a difficult time. Or my pastor and his wife who have taken the darkest time of grief and pain and made it something great that has helped thousands and will touch millions.
There are more. But the point is that these are people who just do what they do. They don't try to be heroic, they learned that just living well in this world is heroism enough. The real heroism is found in living an example that someone else can see, grasp, and use to rebuild their life with.
No matter what you do for a living...really live. Someone is watching...someone you might never meet, as I never met Harry Kalas. But you will touch them no less.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

R.J. And Me

Thursday at the National Sports Collectibles Convention I met a guy whose story was so much like my own.
His name is R.J. Reyes and he is a Philadelphia area native. In fact he grew up in Lower Marion Township and had the distinction of playing against Kobe Bryant in a High School Basketball game. That story is really nice and it gave me a little different appreciation for Kobe.
R.J. was born with a medical issue that renders his left side somewhat inhibited. But he wanted to play sports and so he played basketball. This one game he was assigned to guard Kobe. R.J. laughed when he told me Kobe dropped 89 points on him that night. But the one thing he did do that made me admire him a bit is with about 2 minutes left, R.J. was bringing the ball down court and Kobe tells him "If you don't score you can't get your name in the paper". So Kobe fouled him on purpose and R.J hit two free throws.
That was a nice story but what really touched me this weekend were the four emails RJ sent me.
RJ is in a wheelchair because of his medical situation. He came by my booth and told me about the many times he met Harry Kalas in the grocery store or out and about in Lower Merion. He smiled until he had tears. I gave him a book on the house and he was so gracious. We talked of home for a long time. RJ lives in Omaha, Nebraska now and has for some time. As he was leaving, I asked him what he missed about home. he laughed and said "Tastykakes". So I got a list and promised him I would return the next day with some goodies. Later that day he emailed me the first of four emails. He told me he had started crying as he wheeled away from my booth because he was so homesick and it felt good to speak of home with a fellow Philly guy. He told me that meeting me and visiting about Harry and about home was the highlight of his convention and that it was "meant to be". That made me shed tears of my own. I got another email later that night and two more over the weekend.
Yesterday he was supposed to come by my booth and pick up his Tastykakes but he was in a lot of pain and couldn't leave the hotel room. This morning his wife Ashley stopped by and I loaded her down with several boxes of the greatest dessert ever made and some Herr's Potato chips as well.
She thanked me and promised they would stay in touch. RJ emailed me later in the day and was so sweet.
This is exactly why I wrote this book. I had no idea when I decided to come to Baltimore that I would meet this wonderful young man and his wife. But there is a plan and as I say in the book..."You never know who is watching your live it with High Hopes".
Thank You RJ...and best of luck to you and Ashley. I am a lucky man to have a new friend.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Greetings from Baltimore! (not a post about Ergun)

Hey everyone...
I am signing books at the 31st National Sports Collectors Convention in Baltimore. I will be here until Sunday.
Having a great time thus far. Tomorrow I have a wonderful story to tell about a great guy I met.
Stay Tuned

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Barnes and Noble Welcomes HKSML!

Delaware area Barnes and Noble's have begun prominently displaying HKSML front and center as you enter the store.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Thoughts From the Night this Book was Born

This is a blog entry I wrote on October 30, 2008. I awoke that morning in my Volvo, hidden behind Oak Hill Assembly of God Church on Franklin Road in Nashville. I'd been hiding my car there to sleep in for about 6 weeks by then. It was the first morning I had woken up with any hope in about a year.
It was fun reading this and thinking about all that has transpired. If you've read HKSML this will give you a bit of insight. If you haven't read it yet...this is where it began.
This is from October 30, 2008

Interlude...My Phils

Not going to linger on this, but I'd be remiss if I didn't mention my beloved Phils.
My Phils are World Series Champs. I think maybe this win means even more to me than the first one back in 1980, if only because of how much it means from afar. To say I've never quite made Nashville my home would be more than fair. To be in a restaurant amongst strangers and watch my hometown team win was a breath of fresh air...with a hint of cheese steaks! Within minutes I was getting text hits and phone calls from people who matter to me. (Thanks Ed and Dave) The Incredible Steve Forbert once wrote "Tonight I feel So Far Away from My Home" It is a wonderful song and last nights bittersweet feeling reminded me of it. I wish I could be home for the parade but I will be there in spirit. Congratulations Philadelphia Phillies...World Champs!

Friday, July 2, 2010

New Article about HKSML and Craig's Story

New article appearing today in the Wilmington News Journal
(Click link)

Wilmington News Journal Article about Craig

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Reason I Wrote This Book...

*When Stan Hochman wrote his article on the book three weeks ago, I received many emails. One was from a guy who's name I'll keep anonymous. He was going through a tough time and didn't have the money to buy one. I felt very strongly about sending him a copy for free and so I did.
He received it Monday afternoon...this is his email to me today...

Hi Craig;
Your book arrived in the mail yesterday afternoon and I just finished it (while the Phillies were on TV, I must add.) I did cry a couple of times while I read it and a lot of the things you wrote I've been working on in my life, but, there are a lot of things you said that I will implement in my daily routine. I have let go of my anger, but, the source of my anger is gone and quite a few people remarked to me that they've noticed that! My best friend whom I've known since I was a junior in High School who is studying Buddhism told me some time ago about performing "random acts of kindness" and you mention the same thing! Wow! This synchronicity thing really blows my mind! Thanks for mentioning Bob Prince and Mike Lange, I grew up in Pittsburgh listening to both of them and I got to meet Mr. Lange last year at a luncheon in Pittsburgh that my soon to be ex-wife suggested that I attend because I felt bad about never getting the opportunity to meet Harry Kalas and I wanted to tell Mr. Lange the same things you mentioned that you wanted to say to Harry in the book.
I'm feeling better as the days go by, and I'm not "beating myself up" as much as I used to, as a matter of fact, last Friday I sent a down payment of $100 to a Philadelphia lawyer to start the divorce ball rolling. I feel that once I can get this behind me, the sooner the better and hopefully, I'll return to Pittsburgh in September where my family and my best friend are for good. One of the few regrets I have is once I go back there, I may never be able to return to the "Bank" to see the Phillies, but, I can always go to PNC Park whenever they are in town.
Thank you so very much for the copy of the book and for signing it also! You don't know how much it meant to me when I received your e-mail saying you'd send me a free, autographed copy! I was dwelling on a lot of negative things then, and your kind gesture really picked me up! Once I saw the book in my mailbox, I basically devoured it overnight! Too bad we couldn't be in Philly at the same time, I'd love to see a Phillies game with you, perhaps it will come to pass, you never know!
"Wheels" just mentioned Tug McGraw during the game about how "Tugger" named his pitches, I used to love his "Peggy Lee" fastball! "Is that all there is?!" LOL! He also mentioned a Bo Derek fastball, but, I don't get that one, what was it a 10?!
Again, thanks for the book and the autograph, and keep up the good work, believe it or not, it has been beneficial to me! I also was a great admirer of Brian Piccolo when I was a kid, but I think the original movie with Jimmy Caan and Billy Dee Williams was the better of the two!

Thanks again and may God bless you and your daughter, your pal,


XXXXXX (getting back them "High Hopes" again)

P.S. Your book is now in a "place of honor" on my bookshelf between my books on Roberto Clemente and Harry Kalas!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

What Would I Tell the Phillies?

Last night the Phillies beat the Indians in dramatic fashion with a walk-off homer in the ninth by Jimmy Rollins.
It was a great win but they just haven't been playing well for over a month now and it's been wearing on the fanbase and probably on the team.
We expected them to run away with the division and instead they are 5 games out behind the Braves...the most undeserving team in the history of baseball. (14 Division titles and ONE World Series win to show for it? The Marlins have more Series wins than you!)
Somebody asked me the other day if I thought the Phillies needed to read "Harry Kalas Saved My Life!" I thought it was nice of them to say that but why would they read it?
Then I realized maybe it would be a good idea. From what I understand these are great guys on this team. No jerks, no prima donnas. But they are all well paid stars. And maybe somehow they just forgot what it means to sit in the stands after a crappy day at a job you hate and watch your team in your ballpark and really need a win.
Maybe they lost sight of who they play for. Not "the city" but the individuals who make up the 47000 in the seats each night. The dads who are taking their son or daughter to the ballpark for the first time, or the son or daughter sitting there without their dad for the first time, and missing him like crazy.
The man who never got the chance to go to a game when he was a kid...who is now getting to be a kid again at the ballgame.
Or the guy like me who lost everything, misses his home and his hometown, and who loves this team because it's all he has left to count on for some hope and some pride in a world that has spun crazily out of control.
In the ballpark there isn't any unemployment, no broken down Volvo with too many miles to count anymore, no oil destroying a natural resource like the Gulf, no war and no doubts and fears about tomorrow.
In the ballyard there is green it's always been...and white chalk lines and blue skies that fade to glorious sunsets under the lights. Hot dogs taste better, peanuts are saltier, and red pinstripes look better than your wedding tux did on the best day of your life.
Those men out there who do that thing we dreamed about throughout our whole childhood...they are messengers of hope. Every at bat might be the one that brings a memory. Every windup the moment we never forget. The potential exists in every single game of every single season that this night will be something I talk about with my child when I am an old man.
These days I need that. I need to walk into the ballpark and be hopeful and get my mind off of this train of worry and concern I am lugging like a locomotive.
I would tell the players "You give me hope...every one of you, every single day. I need you to win. It's not just a game and you're not just some are my team. I was never good enough to walk out there but you are. You do it for me every night. Think of me once in a while, as you get ready to play this game. Think of me and all those people who fell asleep at night, as little boys, dreaming of being you. Like some kid is going to do tonight. I know you love the game and I know you work hard. Work a little harder...for me. My life hasn't been easy, especially lately and I need to walk out of this ballpark tonight with my head held high and my chest puffed out just a bit and a win under my belt. I know you care and I know you want to win. Once in a while, remember me and all the folks like me...and want it just a little more."

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Never Far From Home...

I've wandered...I've roamed. I've lived in 4 cities including college and I've always found myself back where I belong...Home.
My book (Harry Kalas Saved My Life) is about that journey and what home really means...especially when you hit hard times and really need your home.
My home is like no other. We're a different breed, we Philadelphian's and while we get a bad rap around the country for Santa's a snowballs, we are fiercely loyal to those we love...and for one of our own.
Which is why, regardless of how well received my book has been everywhere else in the country, it is my hometown that has been the most thunderous in it's applause and open with it's heart. And it's why I truly can say "There's No Place Like Home". I wish I had never left here and I wish every day I could return. Because Nashville is a bad place? No! Nashville is a great town. But it's not home. When your wheels have come off and your life is in the spin cycle and you can't tell up from down, what you need is home.
This has been a remarkable ride since April 12th when I did my first interview and this all began. I have talked to so many great people in the last 2 months but when I got here and did Angelo Cataldi's show and then Ukee Washington on CW3 and then last week when the legendary Stan Hochman wrote a review that landed my book on the front page of the Philadelphia Daily News...dreams do come true even if they have their genesis in a nightmare.
I read Stan's article today and I was in tears. I cry a lot when I think of what I've lost and what I've learned in that process. Sometimes I can still feel the cold of that car and the hopeless feeling that would have had me believeing I would never escape my situation.
I would never want to go back to that period but I wouldn't change it if I could. I am a better man than I was and I have become the man I was put here to be, doing the job I was meant to do. That is priceless.
Along the way the immeasurable blessing of becoming friends with legends has been bestowed on me. To have spoken face to face with Stan Hochman, Angelo Cataldi, (my friend of 15 years who graciously wrote my foreword) Paul Ladd who has a love for "old school" journalism like few men his age, Michael Barkann who delivered the awful news about Harry's passing that fateful afternoon in April of 2009 through tears of his own and with a voice that fought him just to choke out the words, has been a dream. To meet up-and-coming stars like Brandon Kamin and to renew an acquaintance with "The Prof" Glen Macnow, to sit on a TV set with Ukee Washington and sing songs in a dressing room with Skip Denenberg. I was interviewed by Ron Barr and had lunch with Pete Weber. To finally meet Vince Papale and swap books with him and to count Tony Luke Jr. amongst my friends is a blessing in the truest sense.
I know full well that all I have lost in my recent situation will be...and is being...replaced by something better, deeper, and more meaningful.
Almost all of it is coming from the streets and scenes and familiar feeling of my hometown. When you are miles away it sings to you and gives you a smile. When you are lost it shines a light that gets you where you really need to be. When you are feel like you never want to leave again.
Home truly is where your heart is, and for's the place I was born.

Everything is possible...with High Hopes!

Philadelphia Daily News legendary author Stan Hochman reviews HKSML

It was a THRILL of a lifetime to be interviewed by a legend like Mr. Hochman.
I spent 2 hours at his home with his darling wife Gloria. I read his articles at the breakfast table when I was a boy...I can't describe the honor it was when he asked to interview me.
Let him know you appreciated the article!


Monday, May 31, 2010

My Only Bad Baseball Memory

I played baseball from 1970, until 1981...ages 7-18. 12 seasons...12 summers. In that dozen years there was only one year when I really had a bad summer and baseball let me down.
In the summer of 1977 I was 13 and it was my first year for Senior division. I tried out for the Cochran and Trivetts sponsored team. I had been an all star for the two seasons before and was amongst the best of my age group. The only problem was now I would be playing with boys as much as 3 years older than me and they had seniority.
It was tough for a twelve year old to crack a lineup of 13-15 year olds. To make matters worse, at that time, Suburban Little League was producing great catchers. Every team had at least one great catcher. Guys who were legends even then...Mike Scully, Sherm Johnson, Jerry Faragher, Kevin Prather, Bobby King, Doug Price, to name a few. Some of these guys went on to play pro ball and most would go on to college.
The problem was, I was a catcher.
Cochran and Trivetts had Kevin Prather and Jeff Farris and they didn't need me. After two weeks I was cut. The only time I'd ever been cut from a baseball team in my life. I went from being a star to not playing at all and I was devastated. The ball field was my home in the summer. I'd rather be playing baseball than anything else on earth back then. The team was my family. The coaches were father figures to me. I loved the game. I loved the dust behind the plate and setting up the infield and whispering "swing" every once in a while and inducing a third strike from a hesitant batter.
I loved the way the catchers mitt looked, I loved the gear. I loved lining up the cutoff man for the throw from the outfield. I loved watching the left fielder go back as far as he could when I stepped up to bat, and it still not being far enough. I just loved the game.
Suddenly that one summer I wasn't playing. I felt lost. I went home that afternoon and stayed in my room all weekend. I felt like someone I loved had died. Not playing was about the worst thing that every happened to me.
The next spring I got a phone call from Russ Staats who was coaching a new team in the Senior Division; Lafeyette Radio. Coach Staats had selected me in the draft and I was on the team. That was the good news. The bad news was that they had also traded for Jerry Faragher and I would be a backup. That was okay, I thought. I'm on the team and that's what matters.
Practices Little League practices do in the March and it is always too cold for baseball. Every ball you hit in batting practice feels like it chopped your fingers off. It doesn't hurts. And it hurts all day long. But it is part of the tradition and it's a fond memory for me. It's nothing you haven't long forgotten by opening day.
That summer...and the one that followed...were very different summers for me as a player. I got my very first taste of what shattered confidence will do. (I didn't realize all this at the time, of course) I had always been a prodigious hitter. I had power, I hit for average, I drew a walk instead of swinging without restraint. But those next two seasons when I returned to the game after my one summer without it, were very different. I couldn't hit anything. Not because I was seeing faster pitching, not because the mound was now at 60' 6". Not because they were mixing in breaking balls with the fastballs. It was because I was afraid. I was afraid of failure.
Sports had always been my domain but baseball was special to me. Hockey too by this point, but baseball had captured my soul when I was 4 years old and it never let me go. I was good at it and I needed to be good at it. Nobody at home really liked sports and so the coaches approval became vital. If my abilities as a player went unrecognized at the dinner table it was okay, because at places like George Reed field, William Penn field, and Pleasantville field I was noticed and accepted. I was held in awe for massive home runs and great throws to second base.
All that disappeared that one summer when I got cut. I was nobody without baseball.
So making the team was crucial and not failing again was as important as breathing. I was so afraid of screwing up and failing that I took the safest route...and refused to swing the bat.
For two whole seasons I would not take that bat off my shoulders. I waited out a lot of walks and I went down looking a lot. But I would not swing. I couldn't. I was so scared of failure. I was so afraid that if I swung and missed they would cut me again...then what would I do? Where would I be?
At one point coach Staats was so frustrated with me that he grabbed me by the shoulders, looked into my eyes and said "Swing the damn bat!" but I could not.
In retrospect, Coach really liked me and he kept me around because I threw myself into the "great teammate" role with gusto. I contributed from the bench by yelling loudest for my teammates. It was sad.
We won the league championship the summer I turned 15 and I got a jacket and a trophy. Coach Staats gave us all a nice plastic encased baseball with our names, position, and batting averages on it. Everyone accept me, of course. I had no average. He wrote, "Most spirited" on mine where my average should have been. He smiled when he gave it to me and I think he was as embarrassed as I was.
The next summer I didn't play ball in a league. It didn't hurt because I thought I was just out of opportunities. There actually was one more level I could play at but I wasn't aware of it. I spent that summer just playing pick-up games in the sandlot fields near my house. I wasn't performing for anyone and I rediscovered playing the game for fun.
...and I got my swing back.
The next year, my senior year in high school, my school had our first baseball team. I tried out, and there was never a question of my making the team and being a great player. Not when I was regularly bouncing the ball off of playgrounds 400 feet away or driving in 3 runs at a time with line drives that might have killed anyone trying to stop them. Kenny Wilson and I platooned behind the plate. I caught when he pitched and I caught when my best friend Mark pitched. When Kenny caught I played first, if Kenny had pitched the day before, he played first and I caught in order for him to rest his arm.
We had an incredible team and from the first day of practice we knew we would be champions...and we were.
Most importantly I had my stroke back. I hit .280 that year and was either 1st or 2nd in every batting category. I hit one memorable shot at the fields at 18th and VanBuren that my best friend and I paced off at 439 feet to the point where Matt Coty, their left fielder, made the luckiest catch in history.
The next summer I would play one final season of Little League ball for Suburban's Big League (16-18 year olds) team and then my playing days were through. I did try out for the team at Liberty the fall of my freshman year. I was a nervous wreck. Al Worthington was the head coach back then and he was a former pro pitcher. My first 4 swings in BP I whiffed like a madman. I stepped out of the box, caught my breath and crushed the next pitch out of the park, over the 20 foot foul pole in left field, across the train tracks and halfway down the hill to Ward's road. I watched the ball disappear into the bright September sky and I was as proud as I'd ever been. Whether I made this team or not, I had just taken a college pitcher out of the yard in a fashion I'd never seen before. It was colossal. Coach Worthington scribbled something on his clipboard, I took another cut and whiffed again. That afternoon I was offered a job at an auto parts store and I figured I'd better take it.
And baseball was done for me forever.
But I went out the way I always played...with a gigantic blast that others admired. (Darren Talley, a dorm mate, was also trying out for the team. He was in left field when I hit the ball and said he'd never seen anything leave the park so fast. He said it cleared the pole by 20 feet and was still going up when it went over his head)
Maybe it was the time away from the game that one summer when I turned 16. Maybe it was putting enough distance between getting cut, refusing to risk swinging again, and rediscovering what it felt like to hit the ball. Something derailed the train of fear and failure.
Life is like that. I would once again find out what failure felt like when I went through a divorce. And again when I lost my career and my home. But it was baseball that reminded me what success felt like...the night my Phils won that series in 2008. And it was Baseball that reminded me that sometimes we fear our failure so much that we fail even more.
But is was baseball that also taught me that if you're're good...and nobody can take that from you. Good as a ballplayer...good as a man...good as a dad. You're great at something...just find it, remember it, and repeat it!
Play Ball!

Note: In October of 2009 at Homecoming I went to Worthington field and walked off that shot as best I was around 510 feet. Yep...I'm proud of that!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Summer Kickoff

It's memorial Day weekend. The official launch of Summer. This was always a big deal growing up. Suburban Little League would schedule a jammed schedule of games for both Minor and Major divisions at Stahl Field, and it was our chance to shine at that special little ballyard. Dugouts, lights, a real fence.
Then of course, there'd be Phillies games. A cookout at the home of some family member or some friends, a desperate venture into an icy swimming pool, only recently filled. There would be burgers, hot dogs, barbecued chicken, Frank's Black Cherry soda or Hires Root Beer and Herr's potato chips. And somewhere in the background, there would be a little radio and the soul of the Summer would be coming through loud and clear...Harry Kalas would be calling the ballgame. Underneath his smooth baritones you could catch the sounds of the ballpark, if you listened closely. Kids squealing in delight. The rise of the crowd and the sudden desperation as a towering shot hooked foul. The pop of the ball in the mitt or the crack of the bat.
All of that was clicking in the background like a metronome, keeping time with the lengthening days and the warming temperatures. Always there, regular as my heartbeat. Harry and Whitey, telling stories, laughing with each other, describing the game so well for me that I didn't even have to close my eyes to imagine it.
I was 11 years old when I went to my one and only Phillies game as a child. The Vet looked exactly as I imagined. I knew the place like my own home because Harry had told me about it so many times. He and Richie Ashburn would have such an enjoyable time together, they made you wish everyone had a friend like that. No matter how professional they were, they were locals at heart. Inevitably someone would send up a plate of brownies or a pie to the booth and they were not above giving a public thank you. "Hey Harry, wanna send out a special thank you to Delores Boncetti from South Philly for the wonderful brownies she sent to the booth" might be Richies' pronouncement.
They were having fun...they were kicking off the Summer for me and I was loving it.
Being a kid, I naturally didn't have the appreciation for it then, as I do now. How blessed I was to have grown up in a time when announcers sounded that way. Thank God they didn't have a Free Agency mentality like pro sports do. I would have hated to have heard Harry broadcasting for the Padres or the Braves some day. He was one of us, and he stayed a Phillie until...literally...his very last hour.
This is going to be a far better summer than I've had in the last 3 years. Things have been tough and my daughter and I haven't had much of a vacation together in a while. This summer we will. She is growing up and growing into a wonderful young woman. We've done a lot together in our travels. One thing we've never done, is go to a ballgame together. I think this is the year for that. I want her to be able to look back on a bright summer day spent with her dad in a sunsplashed ballpark. My only regret is that she'll never hear a game called by Harry Kalas.
She already reveres him because of what I've told her about him.
We have summer traditions of our own, my daughter and I. I only wish we had the same narrator.
Happy Memorial Day everyone...make it special. Make it something to remember when the cold winds of winter blow once again.
Play Ball!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Down 3-0...just like life.

Last week my beloved Flyers came roaring back from a 3-0 deficit in the Eastern Conference Semifinals, to defeat the Bruins. They even went so far as to fall behind 3-0 in the final game before scoring 4 unanswered goals. Now they march on to Montreal and hopefully to the Cup finals.
Once again, Philadelphia sports teaches us a valuable lesson about life.
This team had lost two goalies and it's two biggest stars by the time the playoffs began. We went to war with Brian Boucher, whom we had drafted initially and whom Bob Clarke ran out of town because Boosh was a critic of Bill Barber and Clarke has never managed to find a way to separate his personal feelings from his ability to do what is best for the team. If he had, Eric Lindros would have retired a Flyer with a couple of Cup rings. But I digress.
But our boys battled back from life support to win the series. How did they do it? What was the secret? Simple...they won it the only way they could have. They won game 4. Then they won game 5. Then they won game 6 and it was level ground again. They they fell behind early in game 7, but having the strength of those 3 previous miracle wins to draw from, they stayed calm, scored 4 more goals and sent the Bruins golfing.
That's how you do it in life too. You can't come all the way back from devastation in one fell swoop. You get up each day, do what you can for as long as you can and then you do it again tomorrow. You refuse to admit defeat and you never quit.
One day you wake up and you realize what you just did, how much you just overcame, how much of a hero you really are. After passing a test like that, there is no mountain you can't climb...or at least you won't try climbing.
"Everything is possible...with High Hopes!"

Monday, March 8, 2010

Hey Gang...Welcome Spring!

Well it's March 8 2010...that means 35 days until the book launches! I am so excited! I am getting the kindest emails and notes about the preview chapters I have been posting. I appreciate it deeply.
Staring this Friday I will be posting excerpts weekly so you can get a feel for the new book and to build excitement. I hope you'll enjoy reading them and that you'll post your thoughts here.
Until then...
Let's Go Phightin Phils!


Friday, February 26, 2010


This is where we will keep track of my journeys and adventures as the new book rolls out. The book is called "Harry Kalas Saved My Life! Striking Out, Bouncing Back...and Living With High Hopes" It's my own true story of how the Phillies 2008 World Series win changed my life forever...and how hearing Harry Kalas call the final out made all the difference.